Reference: OverfittingAugust 21, 2020Overfitting is a phenomenon in statistics and machine learning, wherein a model maximizes performance on training data to the extent that it is unsuitable for unseen data.machine learningreferencestatistics
Reference: Activation FunctionAugust 21, 2020An activation function is used to determine whether an input in a feedforward neural network is moved from one layer to the next.deep learningneural networksreference
Reference: LemmaAugust 20, 2020A lemma is the canonical form of a word, also known as the dictionary form because it is often used as the primary entry in a dictionary.linguisticsnlpreference
Reference: Law of DemeterOctober 08, 2018Decreasing coupling with the principle of least knowledge.designprinciplesreferencesoftware
Reference: Package PrinciplesOctober 08, 2018Guidelines for the effective partitioning of a software product's codebase.principlesreferencesoftware
Reference: Dependency Injection vs Dependency InversionOctober 04, 2018The relationship between 'injecting' and 'inverting' dependencies in object-oriented design.designprinciplesreferencesoftware